Welcome at the website of E&B1 Barbra's Jach-Kobielski Design Studio of Sanitary Systems and Building 1
E&B1 Barbra's Jach-Kobielski Design Studio of Sanitary Systems and Building was founded in Wroclaw at March 1995.
Founder and Chief of this Design Studio is Master of Engineering and Dipl. Engineer Barbra Jach-Kobielski. Design Studio is engaged in designing various kinds of sanitary systems generally within the scope of building. We are making sanitary concept designs, building designs and detailed designs. We are also managing authorial supervision under realized objects. Design Studio is attending of consulting in branch of sanitary systems and building. Among designs and technical documentation making by E&B Studio we can mention: water supply systems, water-pipe network, sewerage system, rain water drainage system, heating system, heat distribution network, designs of boiler rooms and boiler houses (for gas, liquid gas, oil, solid fuel i.e. little ecopenny, pellet, coal, coal dust and others), designs of heat centers, installations feeding by heating pumps, sun heating installations, gas systems, gas grids, installations of industrial gases, ventilation systems and centers, air conditioning systems and centers, reports for water law and other elaborations and studies in domain of widely mean sanitary systems and networks.
Barbara Jach-Kobielski is an experienced designer. In 1990 she has got professional competence right for designing of sanitary systems and networks (unlimited). In 1992 she has got professional competence right for managing of building as the chief of building site, the chief of type of sanitary system works and as the clerk of works in the domain of sanitary system and sanitary networks. Professional experience she has acquiring in the period of her working in City Designing Office in Wroclaw from 1985 to 1994 and next (from January 1995) in her own design studio.